So crime is a young person's game, especially violent crime. Exact numbers: 74.7% of all (reported) crime is committed by a male. 43.6% of crime is committed by an offender under the age of 25.
Why is this important? Research has proven that young males will not be deterred from carrying firearms by legislation. Essentially, all gun restriction legislation passed is supposedly directed at deterring criminals from carrying a gun. In reality, however, 33% of the criminal population doesn't care what legislation is passed or how restrictive it is or how much time they are going to face, they are still going to carry a gun during the commission of a crime or into place where they should not, not to mention the fact they these people are usually not allowed a concealable firearm due to age restrictions.
So why is there so much ant-gun legislation when it has been PROVEN that is has no effect on whether or not a criminal will carry a gun? Because YOU have not done enough to educate yourself, your brother and your sister, because YOU have not written your representative, because YOU allow people to write or say whatever they want about guns and gun owners and YOU just dismiss it instead of addressing it.
These statistics are taken from a criminology text book, Crime and Criminology, 13th Ed., Reid, IBSN 978-0-19-978318-2
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