Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Blog

I have started a new blog dedicated to learning Spanish. If you need help or you want to learn please feel free to visit it. It will have everything from beginning to advanced level Spanish and will always be a work in progress so if you have any questions or suggestions please email me or post the questions on the site.


Friday, December 14, 2012


I am not saying anything more than this:

My thoughts and condolences go out to the families, teachers and peers of the victims in Connecticut today.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Shameful Confession...

So here is the confession: While in the Marine Corps, I never learned how to roll my sleeves. 

Yes, I know how to roll up a set of sleeves, I just never learned how to do it the "right" way, which involves flipping the whole blouse over or some shit, but I don't even remember how that went. The only time I was ever made to roll my sleeves up I was for a brief period in '09, so I had my boot's boots (my new guy's new guys) roll them for me.

Image is from "Marine No Longer Allow Rolled-Up Sleeves" which can be found here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

More pictures of Mexico

Just some more pictures of my adventures in Mexico. No stories with these, maybe later though.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cuernavaca, México

The translation is after the pictures.

Lo siento (a nadie, porque nadie leí esto) por no publicé cuando yo dije que estaré todos los días. Sé, ahora, que lo estaba irrazonable. Pero, lo siento por no escribí nada. He estado aquí en Cuernavaca por más que cinco semanas y este mi última semana. Este viajo he estado muy divertido: yo fui en muchas iglesias, me senté en el altar del dio de guerro del Aztecas, comí una quesadilla huitlacoche y una de grillos, aprendí algo salsa (el bailado), y hice chocolate caliente usando un molinillo. Ví las pirámidas y otras ruinas (yo vivo cerca de ruinas de los mayas), compría y bebía cervezas barratos, fui a ciudad de México y ví el museo de antropología. Estoy un poco triste porque no ví el castillo de Chapultipec, la lugar desde la lina primera de himno de los Cuerpo de Marinos. Mi esposa me visitó en la ciudad de México, pero ojala que ella me visite en Cuernavaca. Pienso que le gustaría México si ella me visitara en Cuernavaca.

Arriba estan algo fotos de la ruina de los mayas que están cerca de mi casa (above are some pictures of the Mayan ruins next to my house).

Excuse my Spanish if it is incorrect.

I'm sorry (to nobody, because nobody reads this) for not posting when I said I would be every day. I know now that it was unreasonable. I'm also sorry that I didn't write at all. I have been here in Cuernavaca for more than five weeks and this is my last week. My trip has been fun: I went to many cathedrals, I sat on the alter of the Aztec god of war, ate a corn fungus quesadilla and a cricket quesadilla, learned some salsa, and made hot chocolate with a molinillo. I saw some pyramids and other ruins (I live next to some Mayan ruins [pictured above]), bought and drank some cheap beers, went to Mexico City and saw the Anthropological Museum. I'm a little sad because I didn't see Chapultepec Castle, the place from the first line of the Marine Corps Hymn. My wife visited me in Mexico City, but I wish she would have visited me in Cuernavaca. I think she would have liked Mexico if she visited me in Cuernavaca.

Habrá más aquí. Más fotos y más sobre mi tiempo aquí.
There will be more here. More pictures and more about my time here.

                                                          For now, here is a skull to enjoy!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Why Military Personnel Will Never Take Mental Health Professionals Seriously

A quick memory to share with all of you that don't read this. It will explain the main reason why military personnel will never take mental health professionals seriously.

Between my two deployments we were all made to see mental health "professionals" to determine if we were fit to deploy again as well as to screen for PTSD and depression. Basically every Marine that walked into the makeshift office was told he had PTSD. This could have very well been true (not likely though), but the means of determining if one had PTSD were faulty, at best. For example, one Marine was told he had PTSD because he drank more than six beers a week. Another friend of mine was labeled likewise, only this time for smoking a pack of cigarettes every few day.

To make matters worse, these "professionals were complete assholes. The woman I talked to asked me what company I was in. When I told her she flippantly responded with, "Oh, you guys didn't have it that bad."

WHAT THE FUCK? NOT THAT BAD? What the fuck does that even mean? A deployment either goes well or terribly, not in between. Especially for an infantry company. Three of my friends were killed in one 30 day period IN MY COMPANY! It took everything in me not to just walk out. Looking back, I wish I would have.

This is why military personnel will NEVER take someone in the field of mental health seriously.

If you ever get into the mental health field, do NOT act like these jokers. If you really want to help you will listen to that Marine, Soldier, Sailor or Airmen (Coasty as well, I guess). They will either tell you what you need to know, or they wont. It's that simple. You don't need to patronize them.

If you want to be the most helpful: join the military and then get into the mental health field afterwards. You will be able to relate to the service members and your time with them will be much more effective.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who is Gun Control Really Directed Towards?

So crime is a young person's game, especially violent crime. Exact numbers: 74.7% of all (reported) crime is committed by a male. 43.6% of crime is committed by an offender under the age of 25.

Why is this important? Research has proven that young males will not be deterred from carrying firearms by legislation. Essentially, all gun restriction legislation passed is supposedly directed at deterring criminals from carrying a gun. In reality, however, 33% of the criminal population doesn't care what legislation is passed or how restrictive it is or how much time they are going to face, they are still going to carry a gun during the commission of a crime or into place where they should not, not to mention the fact they these people are usually not allowed a concealable firearm due to age restrictions.

So why is there so much ant-gun legislation when it has been PROVEN that is has no effect on whether or not a criminal will carry a gun? Because YOU have not done enough to educate yourself, your brother and your sister, because YOU have not written your representative, because YOU allow people to write or say whatever they want about guns and gun owners and YOU just dismiss it instead of addressing it.

These statistics are taken from a criminology text book, Crime and Criminology, 13th Ed., Reid, IBSN 978-0-19-978318-2